Unboxing and Giving Away the Gorgeous Cupid Parasite LE Set

It’s a grand time to be an otome game fan with the recent slew of releases we’ve been having this year, and we have more on the way, which is definitely cause for celebration. 🎉 Following the long break after releasing Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds and Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms, our friends at Idea Factory International understood the assignment and has delivered to us the wonderful game that is Cupid Parasite for all of us to partake and enjoy!

What’s Cupid Parasite about? Don’t worry, I’ve got the deets for you:

In the heart of Los York, a glitzy, trendsetting metropolis that sits on the cutting edge of culture and couture, one daring marriage agency stands apart from the rest in success rate and in style. The Cupid Corporation.

As Cupid Corp’s top bridal advisor, our heroine consults the city’s most in-vogue singles to make their wildest romantic dreams come true. But she has one secret which she can never share. Her true identity is Cupid, a descendant from Celestia sent here on a heavenly mission.

INT. SCENE. 5 A.M. Cupid Corp’s president’s personal office:
Get these five people married. Do that, and the promotion is yours. You’re the Cupid of Cupid Corp, are you not? Our top bridal advisor. I trust this is within your ability?

Only this time, our heroine has been tasked with her biggest challenge yet: handling the matchmaking, and this the fates, of the infamous Parasite 5. After a series of unimpressive interviews and workshops, they concoct the perfect plan. Parasite House, a shared home created for reality TV centered around the lives of the Parasite 5 and their romantic exploits.

Leading these hopeless men to marital bliss proves to be a Herculean task even for great Cupid herself! Can she live up to her name and keep her identity a secret at the same time?! Find out in the most divinely unpredictable romantic comedy of the millennium! ❤

Two cuties!

Can confirm: this game really does bring in the laughs with the outrageous bunch that are the Parasite 5! And sure, the guys looks incredibly handsome, but all the women in the game? My GOD. They’re all gorgeous! 😍 10/10 would kiss! You can find out more of my thoughts on the game by watching what I’ve played so far on my Twitch channel.

While I’ve been enjoying what I’ve seen from the game, my pals at Idea Factory International sent me the gorgeous and colorful Cupid Parasite Limited Edition set for me to unbox and show off for y’all to see:

The set is so colorful and vibrant!

Here are the set’s contents:

  • Nintendo Switch Game (with reversible cover)
  • Collector’s Box
  • Steel Game Case
  • “The Parasite’s Guide to Los York” Hardcover Art Book
  • Keychain Set
  • “Radio Lost York Presents: Pillow Talk”
  • Exclusive Trading card

The best thing about the Pillow Talk drama CD? It comes with the translations via an exclusive link that you get with the CD. We’re being fed so well! If you want more cool releases like this to happen, get your very own copy of the beautifully vibrant Cupid Parasite Limited Set today!

While this guy looks incredibly intelligent and capable, he’s dumb as rocks when it comes to love!

“But Elly,” you may ask, “what if I don’t have the money to get this set?” Worry not, my dear reader, for I have the solution to this problem.

And that solution is… none other than a GIVEAWAY! Yes, that’s right, the cool folks at Idea Factory International sent me an extra Cupid Parasite Limited Edition Set to be given away, so now you’ve got a chance to win your very own copy! If you want to try your luck, click the link below to enter the giveaway:


The only caveat: US ONLY, PLEASE! 🙏 [GIVEAWAY HAS NOW ENDED. Congratulations to our winner, Shelby K.! Thank you for entering!] Shipping stuff overseas is pricey, and I’m assuming even slower than it’s been due to the pandemic making everything delayed. Good luck!

Wow, indeed!

Many thanks to the amazing crew over at Idea Factory International for making this giveaway possible! Don’t forget to follow them on TwitterFacebookInstagram and YouTube to keep updated on their latest release and events.

Until next time! ✨

Who are you looking forward to romancing? Do you also want to slap Ryuki and Allan? Let me know down in the comments!